#Multiple Intelligences Test!
Sunday, February 28, 2010 @ 9:48 PM
Hi readers!
I just completed the MIT test, short for multiple intelligences test, and basically this test is to kind of tell us our learning style. Yep, and our LA teacher is also going to carry out differentiated learning, which means she teaches or gives assignments in accordance to our learning style.
So, guess what? I am a intra-personal learner! Yeps, that is right. That means i am "myself smart."

Actually, I am not too sure about what intrapersonal really means, so i kind of checked it up and it means that: "Existing or occurring within the individual self or mind." So maybe I am that kind of person who will do better individually? Or I guess I can fare better doing things myself than in a group. However, up to this point, I would like to argue that despite me being intrapersonal, I still enjoy being in a group as only there will you be exposed to different people's knowledge about a certain concept. Brainstorming for new ideas will also become a breeze! Well, frankly speaking however, i do admit that i am kind of a soloist. So, we shall just see what will happen during differentiated learning! But I guess one shortcoming that I can foresee coming would be having to do assignments regarding "myself". Like the questions will be about "Who will you choose to be in _______ if you had the choice?" OR "If you had the chance to get to know someone better, who will that someone be?" and many more.