#Freedom Writers
Sunday, May 24, 2009 @ 12:30 AM

Freedom writers. Have you guys heard of it? Maybe Mr Lau had mentioned it briefly at the start of this year but yes, I have watched it before last year. This movie is not just about any ordinary movie that you can find in the market. You might think that, yeah, what's the big deal with this movie, I can just about find any inspiring movie like that in the CD shop. But fine, heres what so special about it. It is PLAIN DIfFERENT.
This movie revolves around Hillary Swank who plays as a teacher teaching in a neighbourhood school in the slums of America. The school that she was teaching at used to be one of the best and scholastically awesome schools. But after the integration with a neighbourhood school, the scholastic records seem to be dropping drastically. There seem to be an element of racism in this movie, where the people with the same skin colour group themselves into gangs or societies, and is often a disrespect to cross into one another's territories. Then came along Ms. Erin Gruwell, or Ms G. who seems to be the saviour of all these students who have given up hope on their lives. Find out how she transforms and guides these students who have given up on their lives to be successful, awesome students who have hope and glory into their lives.
Trust me, you won't regret watching it!